Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Today....6th day in Mahesa.


Ok. I love this day so much, because, from three times meeting, once there was no teacher. So my play time is get more.

In the third meeting, Fortunetly, Mr. Wafi didn't come. And i hadn't ready be a tourist in this time. Hahahhaha.....Oh God thanks for your bless for me. So i still have a time to prepare my self and seek out some information about America, actually about Los Angeles.

By the way, In the first meeting, My teacher, Mr. Hanif looked very tired. There's no spirit in him. While he was teaching, he liked a men after wake up. May be, he need more time for sleep, or his body was not good. Who knows?

In the second meeting, with Mr. Robert. Akkhh....him. I'm so-so to him. He not very fun i think, cause he is very confident too more. Ok, forget it.

In this meeting, i was so embarrasing. My speaking is not very well. Mr. Robert asked to me "You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes he / she wears?" and i said "Yes". And he asked me again "Why?". And i said "Because, from their clothes we can in we can see the characters of them. And...and...aa.....aa....we...can know...know...aa...about their grade of education and their attitude".

"So what do you think about me?? About my attitude? Do you think i'm a good person or not?"
And i said "Yes you are. Because your attire is very good. Your clothes is closed, not opened."
Oh god, What evil that entered in my blood? What i said for this guy? Ok, Mister, don't be stubborn first, because, i was no more words for you. I was very stress to arrange the words.

"Oh thank you, Gushtaf...oh sorry, Gunam,"
"Gushef, sir....let me spell it....Ji, yu, es, eij, ii, ef"
"Ok, thank you Gushef"

And i thought he has been a stubborn guy.
Ok, next.

In the third meeting, i was did nothing. So, to avoid my bored, i went to Netcafe until now, write my old blog with outside language, and so, open my old Facebook, and chat with my old friends. Always about "Old".

During one hour, i have been here. And my butt have been hotting. You know what, my butt will be very pain after i out from this cool place. Yeah this place is more cool than my classes or my bedroom in my boarding house. So, i should be more comfort if i sleep in this place. Hahahah....but my money will be gone because i will always online.

That's for today....Wassalamualaikum.wr.wb

5th day in Mahesa


Today, the lesson was to be a tourist Guide. And i got a new homework. Tomorrow, me and my friend will practice be a tourist. And i from America. So, tomorrow, i have to be like a tourist.

My teacher said, who be a tourist must speaking English well. They may not speaking with Bahasa Indonesia. And i was upset. I relized that i can't speaking English well. So i just confused.

Keep away from that problem, Now i search all about America in net cafe. Then i practice to speak English well and make some question about Indonesia. So, Insya Allah, i will not clumsy when i showing.

And today, i was taked some picture with my classmates. But it was using camera. And the camera is not mine. It was cameramen's. So, may be tomorrow i will take some picture with my own handphone.

Once more, Anissa was sick, and she wasn't go to course. But, she back normal right now. Unfortunately, she wasn't take some picture together. Hmmmm......

4th day in Mahesa


Like i said yesterday, in Monday i going to show my drama. And that happened.

I am a police in this drama. Annisa as a security guard, Sibawe as a bank customer, a new student in my class, and i forget his name, as a pickpocket. Fidya as a bankclerk. And the narator is blablaba, i forget her name too.

I thought my drama will be the best than all. But i was wrong. My drama was chaos because the narator forgot the story thread and she was can't tell the story well. She was very confused. Oh god, i was so embarrassed. I just wanted to pass that time faster. It was very embarrasing.

Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

1st, 2nd, 3th day in Mahesa


Mahesa institute, my "little college" during i stay in Pare, Kediri, East Java. It is a name of a course place in Pare. There are so many course in Pare, not just Mahesa.

First day in Mahesa :
Activity in there just introduced my self and make a friends, knowing each other. It's not interesting. I think it's exhausting.

Second day in Mahesa :
First day for studied. And i learned about Modal Auxiliries in Grammar time. And made a conversation with my friend in Speaking time.

In this conversation, me and my partner Adi, was telling about our self. We must knowing about us each other. Adi, is a student in one of University in Lombok. He takes Mathematics department.
But, i don't know too much about him, because his speaking is very bad, and made me not understand that what he said.

Unfortunately, my teacher gave us a homework. We must wrote about our partner. Oh men, i don't know very well about him. And the worst, i must wrote in a piece of paper and FULL!!! Grrr.....hell time!!

So, i just wrote it by my information that i know. And i just finished it in half paper, not one paper full. Oh, my bad fate, come back again.

Third day in Mahesa:
In speaking time, my teacher gave us a homework to making a short drama. For the Theme, my teacher has chosen Robbery. And i be a police women. I will be cool!!!

And...i will showing in next Monday.....see ya!!

Jalan-jalan Ke Puncak

Senin, 2009 Juni 15


IIhhhh....puncak seru abis.....(serunya abis)!!!! Gw sama bocah sekelas nginep di Kota Bunga. Gw jadi panitia bis lo!!! (apa deh??).

Malem2 ngadain PM3, yaitu pesta malem main2. Pada cantik2 sama ganteng2 bgt. Dan ya ampun....Bani beda bgt pas itu. Heheheh....boleh deh....dia akuin. Makanya sama anak2 cewe dipilih menjadi The King of Prom2an ini. Ratunya si DAna. Bajunya unik banget. Hiii.....ngegemesin bgt deh.

Sebenernya sih...mau bakar2 hujan. Ya udah de....bakar2an di atas (di balkon villa).

Dpt pencerahan dari Pak Manaf. Katanya....kita ini kelas yg kompak bgt. Kalo sampe ada yang keluar dari sini, itu ga masalah. Yang pntng kita ttp ga saling melupakan.
Gara2 itu gw nangis berkali-kali. Gw tuh dah minder banget kalo gw bakalan keluar dari kelas ini tahun depan.
Tapi semua itu gw babat dgn positive thinking gw.

Oke deh....itu malemnya. Siang sebelumnya, gw ke Taman bunga dulu. gara2 gw ga bw duit byk.....jdi ga bs main ATV. ahelah.....pdhl mau bgt tu. kesel!!!!

Pagi jalan2 ma kiky, ipong, Ferdy, dan Nofal. Ferdy ma Ipong akhirnya pulang duluan dah ga kuat....Payah!!!!!

Trus pulang deh. Di bis, kita smua curcol dulu. Masing2 pada ngasih opini tntng 8.6. Skali lagi, smuanya nangis gara2 bntr lagi kenaikan kelas. Ya ampun, gw sedih bgt. Gw jg curhat dan ngomong di bis sambil nangis2. Huhuhu....sedih.

Akhirnya nyampe di skolah tercinta. Sedih bgt deh pada pulang. Tapi, liburan kemarin amat sangatlah berkesan, seperti kelas 8.6 ini

Class Meeting dan Persiapan ke Puncak

Kamis, 2009 Juni 11


Tadi di sekolah acara class meeting. Seperti biasa, ngadain lomba2 gt, tapi cmn ada lomba bkn yel2, futsal, ma mading. Ga seru ya!! heheh....

Oke....akhirnya gw jadi ikut mading. Tema yg kelas gw ambil vacation. kira hasilnya bakalan lbh baik dari mading sebelumnya....(pas hari ibu)... Ternyata engga!!! Kok bisa.
Itu dikarenakan kita kekurangan ide bwt mading ini.

ya udahlah...gpp. Toh hsl usaha sendiri. ke Junction. Tujuan pertamanya cmn mau byr uang bis di Royal Platinum. Eh ga taunya nyeleneng belanja jg. Aduh....apa de!!!

Sepertinya ke puncak bakalan seru. Persiapannya aj udh mateng bgt (seperti telor ceplok...kan mateng). Gw seneng jd panitia pencari bis...walopun pusing jg nyarinya. Setidaknya gw ada gunanya....(?).

udahan de...

Ujian selese.....!!!

Rabu, 2009 Juni 10


Akhirnya teror ujian itu berakhir jg. Tapi gw jd ga bs merusuhi rmh Citra lagi....hmmm.
Tanya hsl? Tau de ah gw dpt brp.....tinggal pasrah aj...klo bgs...alhamdulillah...klo jelek innalillahi...

Akhir2 ini....(mksdnya selama masi ada kesempatan memperbaiki nilai) jd kgn blajar (weits...kesamber jin kupruk). Lo tau knp?? itu dikarenakan gw pgn nunjukin (baca: nyombongin) klo gw bs.....terutama pada ortu ma satu orang...specially 4 awawaw.......

Siapa itu awawaw??? itu lo...yg ada di ragunan...kgn gw..(MONYET)

segini dulu.....Wss.wr.wb