Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Victim of Camera


Yesterday, i took many pictures of my classmates. Hmmm....not too bad for all. But, i thought we are victim of camera. Why i said that? Because my friends was very clumsy when i took the picture.

Nobody said "Cheesse" or acted something. Just sat, didn't smile so flat, and then save them image, I told they were "Jaim" for them labels.

And my very confident teacher, ROBBERT DE GREETE, was won't to take a picture with us. His so "Jaim" i think, Eeerrgghh...cuih. What's wrong with my classmates? And what's wrong with ROBBERT?

And for your information, ROBBERT is not native speaker from abroad. He is native speaker from my lovely country, Indonesia. I think, his name is very exaggerate. ROBBERT DE GREETE...hhiihihihih.....

I think, my name is more cool than his. SARAH JULIA GUSHEF, cool ha??

I think, it's enough. Wassalamualaikum.wr.wb

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