Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Happy Birthday, Ceeee.....!!!


Whhheeewww, exhausting! Why? Because i must studied hard yesterday for my last examination. Whheeww....
But, it was cleared, because yesterday is my Birthday!!! (Frruuuuuuttt.....)

I wished by Allah that all the things which the best for me. Knowledge, age, happiness, destiny, etc, Allah has planned it before.

Yey, yey, i like it. Ok, July 24th 2009, That i'm 14 years old now. Whouw, So old. That day was same birthday with Mbak Ulie, my classmate at Speaking and Grammar 2, In Mahesa, In Pare. Mbak Lie, Happy Birthday too!!! Wish you all the best.....Thanks for the Happy Birthday word!! Yey,,,,,

But, yesterday is the last day which i separated with my Speaking 2 friends. Mmm.....was so distressing moment. So, my class was created a last meeting. For save the moment, i took many picture of my friends, and my teacher also, Mr. Wafi.

The first person who was wishing my birthday was Syifa Khairunissa. And the second was Aryani Yasrida, the third was Wida Citra, and all of my friends. Although it through by Facebook, messages, phone, or directly.

But, my parents was the last people who wishing my birthday. Hiks.....distressing. But it's okay, because they forgot it. They have been remembered by my aunt, Tante Eja. Thanks a lot, tante.

But, i want to say, Thanks a lot mom and dad. Thank you for your wishes, for your love. I love you.

So, who want to give me a present?? I'll be waiting for it.

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